Skool Dogs Is The Only Active Shooter Response K9 Program With A Patent.
Skool Dogs react quickly and in the right direction to the scent of ammunition and the sound of gunfire.
Protecting students in schools from a potential threat is challenging. There are not enough police officers available to be in all community schools, and allowing teachers to carry firearms will probably not get approved.
Our Skool Dogs can help prevent and stop school shootings in progress with lower casualties by detecting ammunition and firearms through scent. The canine can also respond to the sound of gunshots and engage the person holding the firearm thereby intervening in the school shooting, and allowing those around the shooter to escape, possibly saving many lives.

Our Skool Dogs Want To Protect Everyone From College Students Down To Nursery School Kids.

Every School Should Have A Skool Dog.
Kids of all ages are precious and deserve to be safe when in school. Teachers and faculty deserve that same sense of security. Millions of dollars are spent on school budgets every year and some of it is even wasted. Let's start putting a fraction of that budget into a very important area, school safety. For around $35,000, you can provide a major safety deterrent and protective barrier with a Skool Dog patrolling your school on a daily basis - Priceless protection for our children.

We Learn The Culture Of Your School Because Skool Dogs Are Custom Trained.
Inquire about obtaining a Skool Dog and schedule time for us to come out and personally visit your school.

We will not only walk the property, check all potential entrances that an intruder might enter, and create a plan of action. Skool Dogs are custom trained to the environment that they will be working in. Therefore, we will spend time at the school to get a sense of the daily routine, the age groups of the kids and realize other factors that would be taken into consideration when training the dog for your particular facility. Skool Dogs that will be used in an elementary school differ from those trained for a high school or college.
Contact us today and let's start avoiding possible intruders with a powerful deterrent. A Skool Dog.

You Could Have A Skool Dog Protecting Your School In A Little Over A Month.
Skool Dogs provides all of the training your handler will need to patrol your grounds and help keep everyone safer.
When you purchase a Skool Dog, we don't just drop off a canine. Our program it's designed to take a handler from start to finish. It starts off with a two week stay at our Academy. There they will get acquainted with the canine and understand the type of training that we are providing for your individual type of school. Once this phase is completed, we move the training onto your school property and work with them for another 2 to 3 weeks. This system allows both the dog, the handler, the kids, the teachers, and us to all be comfortable when departing.
Be Pro-Active. Get A Skool Dog And Protect Out Kids, School Teachers & Faculty.
Unfortunately, and all too often, changes are not made until a tragedy happens. Stay ahead with preventative security measures that can save lives. A Skool Dog can react to the scent of ammunition and the sound of gunfire, and most importantly, in the right direction. They will quickly and violently attack a shooters hand forcing him to drop his fire arm and won't let up so they hear the proper command. This is a very serious subject was very serious potential consequences, so contact us today and get a Skool Dogs.